Figure 1. Foster Kennedy syndrome in a 61-year-old woman. (A and A1) Fundus picture of the right eye showing optic disc pallor. (B and B1) Fundus picture of the left eye showing disc oedema with tortuosity of the peripapillary vessels. (C) OCT in RE showing macular thinning with loss of the ganglion fiber. (D): OCT in LE showing thickening of the ganglion fiber layer in the optic nerve.
Clinical case
- 61 years old female patient.
- History of low visual acuity on the right eye for the past 4 months and on the left eye for 1 month.
- Background: systemic arterial hypertension.
- Visual acuity in RE: hand movement. LE: 20/80.
- External ocular motility: Right eye significant limitation of medial rectus, superior, inferior and oblique muscle motility
IOP: 14/15 mmhg. - Retina mapping/retinography. RE: Optic nerve with pallor 3/4+, juxtamacular drusen. LE: Optic nerve with blurred edges (Frisen stage III), macula with juxtamacular drusen.

Figure 2. Post-contrast T1-weighted MRI images in axial (A and B), (C) coronal and (D) sagittal view demonstrating a extra-axial, well circumscribed, homogenous, isointense mass lesion in the fronto parietal cortex (lesion measures 5.5 x 5.1 x 4.8 cm) with broad based dural attachment and tenting with surrounding hyper-intense cerebral oedema suggestive of meningioma. (E) Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (H-MRS) evidencing a Cho/NAA ratio of less than 1 compatible with low-grade meningioma (WHO, grade 1)
What is your diagnostic hypothesis?
Foster-Kennedy Syndrome
What is the main etiology?
Foster-Kennedy Syndrome that presents with optic atrophy in one eye and papilledema in the contralateral eye is the most well-known type of Foster-Kennedy Syndrome and is also known as type 1 Foster-Kennedy Syndrome
Foster-Kennedy Syndrome is characterized by the compression of the ipsilateral optic nerve by an intracranial mass, often an anterior cranial fossa meningioma, or other such as frontal lobe, olfactory groove, sphenoid wing.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (H-MRS) metabolite ratio demonstrated that the Cho/NAA ratio (<2.409, specificity = 86.36%.) may provide simple and practical predictive value for low-grade intracranial meningiomas and help neurosurgeons in their efforts to plan an appropriate surgical approach.
Author: Ever Ernesto Caso Rodriguez M.D.
Thanks for the images: Jose Antonio MAcedo Orbezo. Sao Paulo/ Brazil