Excisional biopsy
Clinical case
- 28 year-old male patient
- Xeroderma pigmentosum
- Left enucleation for previous squamous cell carcinoma.
- Right eye surgery for conjunctival lesion 2 years before.
What would you do?
Whats the disgnostic hypothesis in this case?
Would you do na incisional or excisional biopsy?

Topical chemoterapy
How would you treat this patient?
- Observation only
- Radiation therapy
- Topical chemoterapy
Which chemoterapy eye drops will you choose?
- Mitomicin c
- Interferon
- 5- FU
Xeroderma pigmentosum is a rare autossomic recessive disorder with mutations in DNA repair genes.
Patients have extreme sensitivity to sunlight and freckle-like pigmentation of the skin. They have accelerated photo-ageing and can develop multiple basal cell carcinomas, invasive squamous cell carcinomas and melanomas