Right eye

Left eye

Clinical case
- 75 year old male patient.
- history of low visual acuity on the left eye for the past 3 and on the right eye for 1 year.
- Underwent na intravitreous ranibizumab injection and laser but lost vision after 5 days.
- Had retinal lesions and underwent vitreous biopsy which was negative.

what is your diagnostic hypothesis?
would you ask anything else to this patient?
Previous history of systemic non Hodgkin lymphoma
Started on chemotherapy with Rituximab + Gemcitabine + Cisplatin + Dexamethasone +Oxaliplatin
Intraocular lymphoma is a rare lymphocytic malignancy and it can present as primary intraocular lymphoma (mainly a sub-type of primary central nervous system lymphoma) or originate from outside the central nervous system by metastasizing to the eye (secondary intraocular lymphoma). The disease can arise in the retina, uvea, vitreous, Bruch's membrane and optic nerve. Diagnosis is challenging as it can masquerade as uveitis or other metastatic cancers.